Monday, March 10, 2008

some highlights from this year

As of this past saturday, my season of midwest snowboarding is over. Now i must wait till i go home on spring break friday to get my last week in. So here are some stills from video shots that we got this year and will be putting into the next IWC movie 'Meat n Cheese' which is comming out at some point this spring!! - sorry for the bad quality. cap'd from chads camera

-This was at a ledge on the NE corner of ISR

-1 foot at the jump we built at my house in maine

- big drop by the stadium. not much speed. It was about 9 feet or so.

-Nighttime jump sesh. Having a generator and lights is AWESOME!

-walkin back up to the jump. aparently it was warm

thats it for now
more updates (and better quality photos later)

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