Thursday, May 20, 2010

down time

im not doin much these days. just workin and organizing my apartment.
other people are up to no good though, so hopefully we can get some of their footy on here soon.

Chad just got a new HD camera, so wake footy this summer will be awesome....... in HD.

I've been skating a lot and getting better, but still nothing work filming. I also have no one to skate with down here... Sadness.

More updates later!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nick Teaser - May 10, 2010

"Nick Northfell is currently living the dream working at M2 Sports a chapel for all desiples of the shred. Nick came back to Illinois to spend time with his family on mother's day. He also made a stop out to shred with his IWC brrethren. We got some sick shots with the pole cam I made. This is only a taste of what we got that day, and only a drop of whats to come. "

Nick teaser 5.10.2010 from chad karecki on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

saturday skating

spenny and i skated a little bit today.
it was fun.
here are some clips:

May 8, 2010 - skating from Evan Glynn on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010 - Campus Spring Snowboarding

They took the ice out of the ice arena so there was one pile of snow. I HAD to ride it. Even though it's May and it was 80 today. Spenny wasn't answering his phone and I wasn't going to do this alone. Finally he woke up from a nap and we had a sesh. I don't think I have ever got my stuff together so quickly. I was shaking I was so excited.
It was awesome. SOO fun to get one last sesh in.


May 6, 2010 - Campus Spring Snowboarding from Evan Glynn on Vimeo.

it was higher quality, but vimeo made it look all funny.. so low quality it is!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

new DC edit

this is a new edit from the dc team that i think is cool.
cool shots of all of my favorite sports. and i think the editing is really cool too.